Asian Home Recipe

Dry Fried Prawns Recipe

Ingredients :

1 kg (2lb)

3 tablespoons


2 cloves

2 teaspoons

1/2 teaspoon

2 teaspoons

1/4 teaspoon

2 teaspoons

1/2 cup

2 teaspoons

1 tablespoon

Raw prawns


Large onions, finely chopped

Garlic, finely chopped


Chili powder, or to taste


Ground turmeric

Dried prawn powder



Tomato paste or sauce

Method :
  • Shell and de-vein the prawns.

  • Heat oil in a heavy frying pan and cook onions and garlic over low heat until soft and golden brown.

  • When oil begins to appear around edges, add chili powder, salt, paprika and turmeric and fry for 1 minute.

  • Then add dried prawn powder and the raw prawns, stir and fry for 3 minutes.

  • Add water, cover and simmer for 5 minutes.

  • Stir in sugar and tomato paste and cook uncovered for a few minutes longer until gravy is dark reddish brown, thick and dry enough to coat the prawns.

  • Serve with steamed rice.

  • As an appetizer, these devilled prawns are delicious on small squares of fried bread.


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